Sunday, December 2, 2007

Oh, the weather outside's delightful...

In Kentucky, November is a fine month for working outdoors. Not a whole lot going on any differently (other than the early parts of my weekdays starting earlier...) eh, here's a proper breakdown...

0600 The alarm goes off. Whistling cheerfully, I shut it off, hop spryly and eagerly out of bed, and perform my morning ablutions.

0645 Check to make sure my keys are in pocket or hand, and depart Casa Mio for work. That involves turning left out of my driveway, turning left at the end of the block, and going straight for about a mile, hitting an on-ramp, the going straight for 6 miles, hitting an off-ramp, going straight for a mile, and turning left into the parking lot. About 10-20 minutes, depending on traffic.

0715 With coffee in hand, I pile my gear (ok, put my little black toolbag and my lunchbag in the back of my partner's truck cab) into the truck, and we begin an hour-long drive to northern mid-Kentucky. Along the way, we chat (both of us are fundamentalist Christians, so there's a lot of choir-preaching, and thus far we've managed to avoid coming to blows over the minute details of our differences in beliefs), drink coffee, and listen to bluegrass on satellite 62, or maybe 65, I fergit which.

0800-0830 (depending on jobsite and traffic) We arrive at work, already having planned where to go first to do what.

5 minutes later: We discover that the contractors have bottlenecked us again, either by failing to perform something important we absolutely needed done, or by half-assing it so it doesn't help us at all. I repeat the old soldier's adage: "No plan of battle ever survives first contact with the enemy." We shrug and get to work.

Several hours later: In spite of Murphy's best efforts, we've gotten some significant amount of work done, and more of our commitment to this job has been fulfilled to contract specifications. We pile into the truck, and return to HQ, where I transfer to my auto.

40 minutes later: Home again, or maybe I braved I64 only long enough to face the dread nightmare that is the Watterson Expressway on-ramp to get to Castle Anthrax.

~10:30: Bedtime for bozo.


Doc Nebula said...

Thanks for the update. I'd been curious as to how your workdays were going now.

It's odd; the last image that comes to my mind when someone says 'fundamentalist Christian' is, well, you. I'd certainly like to note, for the benefit of anyone else who may ever read this, that the blogger is the weirdest and most singular example of fundamental Christianity I've ever seen... which is typical of him in every aspect, actually.

And I mean all that as a compliment, too. ;)

Lost Ronin Studios said...

Unlike the weather back here in Syracuse 6 inches in one day. Good to hear that your still happy and well! Enjoy the weather and Holidays!

Nate said...

Holy shitballs, Batman!! One of my New York friends actually read the blog!!

Bunnyman, just so ya know, Mr. Zacholl is an avid comic fan like you, and actually has a toe in the door of the industry. Doubtless you and he could discuss comics to mutual edification, up until, like my partner at work and I, you reach the point in your beliefs where the minute details you disagree on overwhelm the vast array of common beliefs, and you begin tearing each others' throats out.

Say hi to the guys for me. Feel free to remind them about the site too.

Nate said...

Oh, and uh, compliment accepted.

How's life in tiny little Feenix, Big Z? (I been playing the KOTOR.)